Simplicity. Some may call it 'budget' and 'basic' but nothing is more enjoyable to me than setting up on a piece of MDF taken from a building site (that has been lovingly customised by an artist friend) with take-away, a good bottle of wine and a jazz vinyl playing in the background. If things get raucous, wine gets spilt, it doesn't matter. It's the new disposable.

Omens. Everything and everywhere. I am a total believer in the idea that the future is already around us and it's your own fault if you cannot see what's coming.

Dressing up with no place to go. I am known for my race to the shops for milk and bread wearing feathers in my hair, fist fulls of golden rings and sheer cream layers. What is life if I can't wear my heels before midday?

Travel. I've been lucky enough to visit China twice and travel extensively around Asia but I keep finding reasons to go back. It's such a beautiful country (and continent), full of culture and spirit that is sadly lost on most of the Western World. Picnics at the Forbidden Palace, races up Football Hill, singing the Spice Girls in a remote English language school. Exploration is everything.

Ostentatious jewellery. Give me a bag of gold chains, large semi-precious stones and kitsch trinkets and I am in heaven. Soldered together by intense heat and a limitless imagination, nothing is more beautiful.

The Northern Beaches, far far North. Byron Bay and surrounding areas is a coastal version of my hometown. The characters and pace of life is so well suited to my personality. And nothing beats Byron during festival season. Or in the rain. Give me a beach and a storm cloud any day, I'll surf it whatever.

My Mum. Hands down the world's most amazing woman. No one has taught me about the world like she has. She inspired me with her courage to beat breast cancer, she has enriched me with her life lessons (and a pretty killer wardrobe), she has made me laugh in any situation. She puts her views aside to let me choose my own path, but she has held my hand when I've needed it. And my friends like cause she bakes for them. Such a good baker.

Growing up, out of the 'burbs. I can proudly call myself a country girl, as finally, after 21 years of life I am embracing my splendid isolation. And the City Kids don't have the paddocks for parties we do, nor can they drive less than an hour to fantastic lakes for water skiing, or to wide open spaces where you can pull out your moto for a quick ride. Our farmers markets are actually frequented by the farmers themselves, who duck back home if they run out of that 'must have' loaf of olive and rosemary bread that they'll deliver to your place that night. And it is only 2 hours from Sydney...