1. I have come to realise that my last kiss was...inappropriate to say the least, and also public. Both of which I detest with a passion. 2. I am listening to...early, early Boyz II Men and the sound of my lungs being coughed up. Charming, charming sounds. 3. I talk... when needed. I love silence over any other sound. 4. I love...my family, my friends and the creative genius of other people. 5. My best friends...are irreplaceable. Even though we live in different countries and states I know that if I need them, or they need me, a plane ride is the least we can do for each other. 6. My first real kiss...was inside a tunnel, we were too young to deal with the consequences of our innocent actions. 7. Love is...a beautiful, impossible force. 8. Marriage is...not for me, just yet. 9. Somewhere, someone is...holding the keys to eternal happiness. I just need to find them and grill them. 10. I'll always...come back home, whether it be Sydney or the Blue Mountains. My life truly is the gorgeous National Parks, amazing bushwalks and chilled out vibe that no city-Kid really ever understands. 11. The last time I really cried was...when it all became too much. 12. My cell phone...is always on silent. I don't like the loud, beeping noises that others seem to deem a symbol of their popularity. 13. When I wake up in the morning...it is always to a hot cup of black chai waiting for me. 14. Before I go to bed...I check under my bed. A childhood habit. 15. Right now I am thinking about...tomorrow. It involves work, new Metalicus and a good old-fashioned catch up with my Nanny. 16. Babies are...gorgeous but seriously underestimated in terms of financial and emotional tolls. And are not for the faint hearted. 17. I get on Facebook...too much, I need to ween myself off. 18. Today I...spent quality time with my Mum. She really is the tower of strength in my family. 19. Tomorrow I will be...busy being everything to everyone. But that works for me. 20. I really want to be...me. The honest, me.